Release Notes
1.40 (2023-05-25)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #233:
SR WFS Test - Reports invalid Geometry Operand
- Fix #198:
WFS receives error in validateMembersOfGmlObjectCollection
- Fix #258:
Upgrade TEAM Engine dependencies to v5.6.1
- Fix #251:
Update dependency ets-gml32 to latest version
1.39 (2022-11-29)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #242:
Update url to license and integration into reporting and replace ogc logo
- Fix #185:
AD Theme Direct WFS 2.0 Test - No Temporal values found
- Fix #231:
WFS 2.0 Test - Temporal filter (AfterTests) in US Theme
- Fix #238:
Test "Intersects Polygon" sends invalid geometry
- Fix #236:
HY - intersectsCurve test seems to produce invalid gml:posList
- Fix #225:
WFS 2.0 test does not return HTML report
- Fix #226:
Direct WFS 2.0 Test - Spatial and Temporal Filter
- Fix #223:
Unexpected error messages on nil attribute
- Fix #235:
GE WFS 2.0 Test - invalid Geometry Operand - java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create envelope for feature type
- Fix #233:
SR WFS Test - Reports invalid Geometry Operand
- Fix #232:
Add credentials to SoapUI project
1.38 (2022-05-30)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #228:
Method selectRandomFeatureIdentifiers can come into an endless loop
- Fix #205:
Support for "application/zip" accepted mediatype
- Fix #222:
Bump xercesImpl from 2.12.0 to 2.12.2
1.37 (2022-01-24)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #191:
Test intersectsCurve fails with Predicate Intersects not satisfied by arguments
- Fix #200:
Bump commons-io from 1.3.2 to 2.7
- Fix #199:
NullPointerExceptions for several WFS tests
- Fix #213:
A specific case with the getFeatureWithHitsOnly test step at the Response paging conformance class
- Fix #196:
java.lang.AssertionError: XPath expression cannot be evaluated: not(xs:anySimpleType(ns1:propertyValue[1]) = xs:anySimpleType('240.000000'))XPath syntax error
- Fix #211:
WFS 2.0 Validation - Tests seem to be executed twice or more within the Spatial filter section
- Fix #147:
BBOXTests#invalidGeometryOperand expects exception
- Fix #206:
Unexpected error messages on nil and descendant elements
- Fix #207:
NullPointerExceptions when validating WFS
1.36 (2021-03-23)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #179:
WFS 2.0 CITE test does not seem to use the correct endpoint and send base64 payload.
- Fix #183:
WFS20 ComparisonOperatorTests Request Contains Invalid Parameter
- Fix #187:
Add template to get an XML/JSON response via rest endpoint
- Fix #194:
Set Docker TEAM Engine version to 5.4.1
- Fix #195:
Added header for soapui test.
1.35 (2020-10-20)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #170:
Support for GML geometry types - Curve and Surface
- Fix #101:
ETS runs unpredictable tests and may cause unpredictable failures
- Fix #175:
joinWithIntersects shall skip test if geometry type is not supported
- Fix #176:
Bump xercesImpl from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0
- Fix #172:
Cleanup dependencies
1.34 (2020-07-01)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #167:
Update version of dependency ets-gml32
- Fix #169:
1.33 (2020-04-28)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #146:
InvalidParameterValue required by "unknownStoredQuery" test
- Fix #162:
Update test "Invoke Get Feature By Id With Unknown Id" by accepting NotFound exception
- Fix #164:
join With Intersects test error
- Fix #163:
Test intersects Polygon fails due to rounding error
- Fix #60:
Test intersects Polygon and embedded Features
- Fix #157:
Temporal Test fails with multiple temporal properties
- Fix #155:
Update tests to use TEAM Engine 5.4
1.32 (2019-04-29)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #145:
Error in "listStoredQueries" test
- Fix #122:
Improve test StoredQueryTests#invokeGetFeatureById() and documentation
- Fix #124:
Locking tests are executed although locking is not supported
- Fix #144:
Error in "describe Unknown Feature Type" test
- Fix #143:
WFS test fails with "data Are Available"
1.31 (2019-01-03)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #138:
exceptions for describe unknown feature type and getFeature with unknown id
- Fix #137:
Unknown EPSG 325833
- Fix #132:
Publish test suite on Docker Hub
- Fix #66:
Probably unsupported CRS EPSG:5514
- Fix #134:
HTML report is not working when using Web Browser Interface
- Fix #130:
AbstractTemporalTest gives skip exception in any case
- Fix #116:
Add all supported conformance classes to site documentation
- Fix #129:
Conflict with filename normalization causing error
1.30 (2018-08-28)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #96:
Assertion for EPSG format instead of IllegalArgumentException?
- Fix #123:
Fixed Fortify issues
- Fix #114:
Expected locator attribute to contain 'language' in test Manage stored queries > create Stored Query With Unsupported Query Language
- Fix #108:
Test engine should not prune query parameters from capabilities endpoints
- Fix #70:
SOAP tests use version 1.1, but WFS specification has been modified to require 1.2 instead
- Fix #119:
Create Maven integration tests with SoapUI and Docker
1.29 (2018-05-15)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #111:
"Index: 0, Size: 0" error for test "temporal filter AfterTests afterInstant"
- Fix #106:
BBOX tests can fail due to precision issues
- Fix #74:
Comparison test fails to build proper xpath validation expression
- Fix #100:
returnFeatureTypes in CreateStoredQuery tests should contain the feature types from the filter
- Fix #102:
Update.updateSimplePropertyValue can try to set "NaN" as the value of double precision floating points
1.28 (2018-01-25)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #73:
Tests expecting OperationProcessingFailed along with a 400/403
- Fix #71:
tranverseResultsSetInBothDirections assumes the dataset has at least 4 features
- Fix #82:
LockFeatureTest.resetNonExistentLock expects 403 but the specs demands 400
- Fix #69:
Data availability tests has opaque failures
- Fix #80:
SpatialJoinTest.joinWithIntersects won't work unless there are two feature types with surface properties
- Fix #83:
GetFeatureWithLock.lockAllQueryResults_20Seconds issues an invalid LockFeature request
- Fix #72:
Complaince failed if there is no dataset supporting nillable properties
- Fix #62:
Describe Stored Query test failure for 2.0.2
- Fix #75:
After/Before tests cannot work against data sets having a single time
- Fix #81:
After test might post a schema invalid request
- Fix #79:
Test tries to create a stored query assuming inheritance support
1.27 (2017-10-27)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #64:
Add conformance class configuration into the wfs20 test
1.26 (2016-11-23)
This release includes the changes listed below.
- Fix #56:
Incorrect XPath expression in supportedStoredQueryLanguages test
- Fix #55:
ReplaceTests::replaceFeature test fails unexpectedly if versioning is enabled
- Fix #53:
VersioningTests::replacementVersionHasNoSuccessor test alters gml:id value
- Fix #51:
VersioningTests::deletedFeatureIsRetired test does not specify "LAST" version
- Fix #48:
Some temporal filter tests fail with property of type gml:TimePeriodPropertyType
- Fix #43:
ComparatorTests fail if xsd:date properties are used
- Fix #42:
beforePeriod test fails sometimes (empty result set)
- Fix #39:
Schematron validation fails if resolve parameter is set globally
- Fix #38:
ResourceIdFilterTests::inconsistentFeatureIdentifierAndType and POST request
- Fix #37:
Invalid GML geometry operand if system locale is DE
- Fix #23:
SOAP response is not evaluated correctly in describeAllFeatureTypes
- Fix ClassCastException in temporal query tests when operand is gml:TimePeriod
- Update dependency: ets-gml32-1.25
1.25 (2016-10-04)
This release includes the following changes:
- Add tests for feature versioning
- Add tests for response paging
- Add tests for stored query management (CreateStoredQuery, DropStoredQuery)
- Include Schematron results as plain text
- Updated dependencies: ets-gml32-1.24, schema-utils-1.8
1.24 (2016-08-03)
This release includes the following fixes and enhancements:
- Fix invalid lexical representation of decimal values (PR-36)
- Fix issue #41:
String comparison with numeric value fails
- Add tests for temporal predicates: After, Before
- Add support for temporal assertions based on relations from ISO 19108
1.23 (2016-07-12)
This release includes the following fixes and enhancements:
- Fix issue #34:
Updating some simple properties sets empty string
- Fix issue #32:
Invalid GetFeatureWithLock request
- Add tests for Intersects operator (*.filter.spatial.IntersectsTests)
- Add tests for spatial joins (*.joins.SpatialJoinTests)
- Add tests for During operator (*.filter.temporal.DuringTests)
- Drop GML test suite listener (execution order is not guaranteed)
- Add support for command line arguments
1.22 (2016-05-03)
This release includes the following fixes and enhancements:
- Support testing of WFS 2.0.2 implementations (OGC 09-025r2)
- Fix issue #26:
Failed precondition when media type is invalid.
- Fix issue #25:
propertyIsNil test submits invalid request entity (POST).
- Update dependency: geomatics-geotk-1.11
1.21 (2016-02-16)
This release includes the following fixes and enhancements:
- Fix issue #22:
Add test for inconsistent feature id and type.
- Resolve issue #21:
Promote preconditions to test methods.
- Fix issue #19:
Fail if unable to test required functionality for Basic conformance
- Use parent POM: ets-common-6
1.20 (2015-11-02)
This maintenance release includes the following fixes:
- Merge PR-15:
bugfix for sampleSize (DataSampler).
- Fix GitHub issue #16:
Move CTL wrapper script (to wfs/2.0.0).
- Fix Javadoc errors (JDK 8 doclint).
- Update dependencies.
1.19 (2015-05-15)
No tests have been modified or added in this release, which includes the following
- Change status of test suite to "Final" (it may now be
used for the purpose of OGC compliance certification).
- Fix Content-Type header in POST requests.
- Adopt new ETS versioning scheme.
- Add "all-in-one" binary assembly (-aio.jar).
- Update dependencies.
2.0-r18 (2014-10-16)
This maintenance release includes the following changes:
- Resolve GitHub issue #14.
- Resolve GitHub issue #13.
- Resolve GitHub issue #11.
- Resolve GitHub issue #10.
- In Update tests, replace non-ASCII character
in property value with numeric character reference (&#xhhhh;).
- Add brief description annotations to test methods.
2.0-r17 (2014-08-20)
This release includes the following changes and bug fixes:
- Fix GitHub issue 3.
- Fix GitHub issue 2.
- Fix GitHub issue 1.
- In BasicGetFeatureTests, the schema validator
will always use a catalog-based entity resolver.
2.0-r16 (2014-06-10)
This release incorporates the following changes and fixes:
- Fix CITE-948: Amend LockingFixture to consult data sampler for available feature types.
- Fix CITE-947: Replace apostrophe with predefined XML entity (').
- Fix CITE-946: Add missing namespace binding for XPath expression.
- Include all unsuccessful transaction requests in report (as ITestResult attribute).
- Modify POM for GitHub.
- Add site content.
- Change license to Apache License, Version 2.0.
2.0-r15 (2014-04-15)
This release includes the following updates:
- Fix CITE-944: InsertResults/UpdateResults/ReplaceResults.
- Fix CITE-925: Infinite loop in selectRandomFeatureType.
- Update dependencies.
2.0-r14 (2014-02-04)
This release includes the following fixes:
- Fixed CITE-924: Check if the (embedded) Derby database exists and contains EPSG tables; if not, create them.
- Updated dependency: ets-gml-3.2.1-r13.
2.0-r13 (2013-12-04)
This release includes the following changes:
- Resolved CITE-890: updateGMLName test fails.
- Updated dependency: ets-gml-3.2.1-r12.
2.0-r12 (2013-11-14)
This release includes the following changes:
- Resolved CITE-893: Removed boundedByIsNil test.
2.0-r11 (2013-10-29)
This release includes the following changes:
- Fixed CITE-883: Stored query tests throw NullPointerException.
- Fixed CITE-874: Test run aborts with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
- Allow upload of capabilities document (form interface).
- Updated dependencies.
2.0-r10 (2013-09-19)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following changes:
- Resolved CITE-866: CRS reference not inherited from geometry collection
(fixed in geomatics-geotk-1.1).
- Write reporter output to test session directory when invoked via CTL script.
2.0-r9 (2013-08-30)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following fixes and enhancements:
- CITE-863: Revised ExceptionReport.sch to allow for SOAP fault message.
- CITE-812: Added optional 'fid' test run argument.
- CITE-861: propertyIsGreaterThanEqualTo_matchAny (invalid string literal for integer).
- CITE-860: propertyIsLike (only applies to properties of type xsd:string).
2.0-r8 (2013-08-27)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following fixes:
- CITE-859: updateFeatureName test is not run.
- CITE-847: NullPointerException when handling SOAP error response.
2.0-r7 (2013-07-24)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following fixes and enhancements:
- CITE-837: GetFeatureById with unknown Id should return status code 403.
- Updated dependency: ets-gml-3.2.1-r7.
- Write response entity to report (attribute) if test method failed.
2.0-r6 (2013-07-16)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following enhancements and fixes:
- CITE-836: Precondition checkDataAvailability only tries one message binding.
- CITE-832: GetFeatureById response should include feature representation by itself.
2.0-r5 (2013-07-15)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following changes:
- CITE-831: Added constructor functions to XPath expressions (PropertyIsEqualToOperatorTests).
- CITE-827: Changed how the content of a SOAP body is extracted from response entity.
- CITE-806: The legacy SOAP 1.1 namespace is used by default in SOAP request messages
- CITE-785: DateTime parsing problem (RelationalOperatorTests)
- Changed stored query identifiers in accord with the OGC-NA register
2.0-r4 (2013-07-04)
This is a maintenance release. The following issues were resolved:
- CITE-813 (Soap Responses): Added client support for SOAP message responses
- CITE-779 (Test Suite hangs): Added prerequisite checks in @BeforeSuite methods