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Annex A - Abstract Test Suite for WCS 1.1.1

Primary Author
Duncan Chaundy
PCI Geomatics
Reviewer / WCS 1.1.1 Technical Expert
Steven Keens
PCI Geomatics
Revision History
Revision 0.1 2007-11-30
Initial draft. Does not include assertions for the GridCRS parameter in the GetCoverage request, nor for the GetCoverage response.
Revision 0.2 2008-02-21

Executable test suite (ETS) draft. Use xhtml2ctl.xls to produce wcs.xml from this document.

Added schema anchor in test acceptance. Make schema location a relative local file following cite svn path. Note that owsExceptionReport as originally published is not valid. For the ETS, xml:lang is no longer an attribute of ExceptionReport.

Fix error in Table 11. for AcceptVersions.

Change initial test case to initial request case.

In updateSequence change None to Empty String

Change GetCapabilities Sections value from ServiceIdentifier to ServiceIdentification.

Format verify section for formatting in TEAM engine output.

Fix typo: Identifer2 to Identifier2

Add reference to local stylesheet

Add response-extract

Table 25: The PostEncoding Value may be a direct child of the OperationsMetadata.

Cleaned up variable extraction syntax.

GetCoverage RangeSubset InterpolationMethods and AxisSubsets tests require a FieldIdentifier.

The response for table 63 is not defined.

Incorporate additional comments under limitations from the ETS online notes.


This document is an abstract test suite (ATS): a compendium of test assertions applicable to all implementations of the Web Coverage Server (WCS) 1.1.1 specification. An ATS provides a basis for developing an executable test suite (ETS) to verify that the implementation under test (IUT) conforms to all relevant functional specifications.

The abstract test cases (assertions) are organized into test groups that correspond to sets of capabilities. The following test groups are defined:

  1. WCS-Shared – Shared Operational Aspects
  2. WCS-Get Capabilities – GetCapabilities Request andResponse
  3. WCS-Describe Coverage – Describe Coverage Request and Response
  4. WCS-GetCoverage – Identifier, BoundingBox,TemporalSubset, Field Identifier, Interpolation Method Type, AxisSubset, RangeSubset KVP syntax, Output Format and store.

There are some limitations and conditions to the ATS:

Source documents

Executable test suite

The executable test suite is a transform of the ATS (this document) in svn at https://svn.opengeospatial.org/ogc-projects/cite/trunk/wcs/1.1.1/docs/ats.html using the transformation in svn at https://svn.opengeospatial.org/ogc-projects/cite/trunk/wcs/1.1.1/docs/xhtml2ctl.xsl.

Table of Contents

1.Test Variables
2.WCS Shared Operational Aspects
3.WCS Get Capabilities
3.1GetCapabilities Operation Request
3.2GetCapabilities Operation Response
4.WCS Describe Coverage
4.1DescribeCoverage Operation Request
4.2DescribeCoverage Operation Response
5.WCS Get Coverage
5.1GetCoverage Operation Request
5.2GetCoverage Operation Response

1. Test Variables


The following variables need to be defined for the test to run:

Variable Description Source
IsGetCapabilitiesXMLSupported Does the IUT support XML request encodings using HTTP POST for GetCapabilities requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
IsGetCapabilitiesSOAPSupported Does the IUT support SOAP request encodings for GetCapabilities requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
IsDescribeCoverageKVPSupported Does the IUT support KVP request encodings for DescribeCoverage requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
IsDescribeCoverageXMLSupported Does the IUT support XML request encodings for DescribeCoverage requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
IsDescribeCoverageSOAPSupported Does the IUT support SOAP request encodings for DescribeCoverage requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
IsGetCoverageKVPSupported Does the IUT support KVP request encodings for GetCoverage requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
IsGetCoverageXMLSupported Does the IUT support XML request encodings for GetCoverage requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
IsGetCoverageSOAPSupported Does the IUT support SOAP request encodings for GetCoverage requests? If the IUT does support this encoding, then an online resource value is also needed. Parse the response document from the KVP GetCapabilities request.
EqualUpdateSequenceValue An UpdateSequence value of the most recent service metadata document. Parse GetCapabilities document.
BogusUpdateSequenceValue A value that is not a valid value in the server's possible UpdateSequence values. Ask tester. UpdateSequence values are opaque to the client.
LowestUpdateSequenceValue The lowest possible value in the server's possible UpdateSequence values. Ask tester. UpdateSequence values are opaque to the client.
HighestUpdateSequenceValue The highest possible value in the server's possible UpdateSequence values. Ask tester. UpdateSequence values are opaque to the client.

2. WCS Shared Operational Aspects


The WCS-Shared test module includes assertions covering the following capabilities: Parameter Case Sensitivity and Ordering; Bogus Parameter; DescribeCoverage Exception.

List of Tables

0. Shared Operational Aspects

The assertsions listed in this table will not be used to generate executable test cases (ETCs) directly. Instead, they will be used as additional tests with WCS operation requests.

Table 0. Shared Operational Aspects
Assertion Clause Purpose
CRS 7.5.1 Requests and responses using a Coordinate Reference System shall include or reference the definition.
CRS Reference 7.5.3 A CRS reference shall be specified according to OWS Common Clause 10.3
Case Name Sensitivity WCS 1.0 In WCS 1.0 ATS, there was a test case for parameter name case insensitivity. Also in OWS Common 1.1.0 Subclause 11.5.2. This only applies to KVP encoding.
Case Value Sensitivity WCS 1.0 In WCS 1.0 ATS, there was a test case for parameter value case sensitivity. Also in OWS Common 1.1.0 Subclause 11.5.2. This only applies to KVP encoding.
Parameter Ordering WCS 1.0 In WCS 1.0 ATS, there was a test cases for the order of the parameters.
Bogus Parameter WCS 1.0 In WCS 1.0 ATS, there were test cases for ignoring a bogus parameter in the request.
Multiple Instances of Parameter WCS 1.1.1 Subclause 8.2.1 Multiplicity Send requests with each valid parameter in turn sent multiple times in one request.
Exception MIME type WCS 1.0 In WCS 1.0 ATS, there was a test case for the MIME type specified in a server Exception response.
XML Requests WCS 1.1.1 All requests encoded in XML should be validated against its request schema.

3. WCS-GetCapabilities


The WCS-GetCapabilities test group includes assertions covering the following capabilities: Sections, Accept Versions, UpdateSequence and Response.

3.1 GetCapabilities Operation Request

List of Tables

1. Minimal Request
2. Sections ServiceIdentification
3. Sections ServiceProvider
4. Sections Operations Metadata
5. Sections Contents
6. Sections All
7. Sections Two Values
8. Sections Multiple Values
9. Sections Bogus
10. AcceptVersions 1.1.1
11. AcceptVersions 0.0.0
12. AcceptVersions 99.99.99
13. AcceptVersions Multiple
14. UpdateSequence No Value
15. UpdateSequence Equal Value
16. UpdateSequence Bogus Value
17. UpdateSequence Lowest Value
18. UpdateSequence Highest Value
19. AcceptFormats Text/XML
20. AcceptFormats Text/Bogus
Table 1. GetCapabilities minimal request
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:minimalrequest
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with only mandatory parameters is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Pass if the result is valid XML, and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 7.2.2.
Test type Basic.
Table 2. GetCapabilities Sections ServiceIdentification
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:serviceidentification
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with value ServiceIdentification is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections ServiceIdentification
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema, and contains at least a ServiceIdentification element (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.3.3 Table 6 and 7.4.2 Table 10.
Test type Capability.
Table 3. GetCapabilities Sections ServiceProvider
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:serviceprovider
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with value ServiceProvider is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections ServiceProvider
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema, and contains at least a ServiceProvider element (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.3.3 Table 6 and 7.4.2 Table 10.
Test type Capability.
Table 4. GetCapabilities Sections OperationsMetadata
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:operationsmetadata
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with value OperationsMetadata is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections OperationsMetadata
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema, and contains at least an OperationsMetadata element (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.3.3 Table 6 and 7.4.2 Table 10.
Test type Capability.
Table 5. GetCapabilities Sections Contents
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:contents
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with value Contents is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections Contents
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema, and contains at least a Contents element (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.3.3 Table 6 and 7.4.2 Table 10.
Test type Capability.
Table 6. GetCapabilities Sections All
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:all
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with value All is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections All
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema, and contains the complete capabilities document, containing all the sections (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.3.3 Table 6 and 7.4.2 Table 10.
Test type Capability.
Table 7. GetCapabilities Sections Two Values
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:twovalues
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with two values is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections ServiceIdentification,ServiceProvider
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema, and contains at least the ServiceIdentification and ServiceProvider sections (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.3.3 Table 6 and 7.4.2 Table 10.
Test type Capability.
Table 8. GetCapabilities Sections Multiple Values
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:multiplevalues
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with multiple values is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections ServiceIdentification,ServiceProvider,OperationsMetadata,Contents
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema, and contains all the capabilities sections (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.3.3 Table 6 and 7.4.2 Table 10.
Test type Capability.
Table 9. GetCapabilities Sections Bogus
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:sections:bogus
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with a Sections parameter with value Bogus is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
Sections Bogus
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and contains an InvalidParameterValue exception (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 7.4.1 Table 8.
Test type Capability.
Table 10. GetCapabilities AcceptVersions 1.1.1
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with an AcceptVersions parameter with value 1.1.1 is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
AcceptVersions 1.1.1
Pass if the response is a valid XML document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 11. GetCapabilities AcceptVersions 0.0.0
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:0.0.0
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with an AcceptVersions parameter with the version number 'too low' is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
AcceptVersions 0.0.0
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is a VersionNegotiationFailed exception document (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4, 7.3.2 and 7.3.1.
Test type Capability.
Table 12. GetCapabilities AcceptVersions 99.99.99
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:99.99.99
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with an AcceptVersions parameter with the version number 'too high' is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
AcceptVersions 99.99.99
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is a VersionNegotiationFailed exception document (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4, 7.3.2 and 7.3.1.
Test type Capability.
Table 13. GetCapabilities AcceptVersions Multiple Values
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:multiplevalues
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with an AcceptVersions parameter with multiple values is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
AcceptVersions 0.0.0,1.1.1
Pass if the response is a valid XML document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 14. GetCapabilities UpdateSequence No Value
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:novalue
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with an UpdateSequence parameter with no value is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
UpdateSequence <Empty string>
Pass if the response is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.4.
Test type Capability.
Table 15. GetCapabilities UpdateSequence Equal Value
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:equalvalue
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that if the server supports UpdateSequence, when a GetCapabilities request with an UpdateSequence parameter with a value of EqualUpdateSequenceValue is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:novalue
extract from response UpdateSequence value Variable: EqualUpdateSequenceValue
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
UpdateSequence Variable: EqualUpdateSequenceValue
Pass if the response is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities). The response document must be just a version and UpdateSequence.

Comment: This second test case assumes that the capabilities document has not changed since the response to the first request was sent. If the EqualUpdateSequenceValue is actually a lower UpdateSequence value rather than an equal value, then the capabilities document may be changing too fast for the server to properly implement the UpdateSequence parameter.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.4.
Test type Capability.
Table 16. GetCapabilities UpdateSequence Bogus Value
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:bogusvalue
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that if the server supports UpdateSequence, when a GetCapabilities request with an UpdateSequence parameter with a value equal to a bogus value is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema. The bogus value is one that is not a valid value in the server's updateSequence set of values. The value is supplied by the user.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:novalue
extract from response UpdateSequence value Variable: EqualUpdateSequenceValue
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
UpdateSequence SetupVariable: BogusUpdateSequenceValue
Pass if the response is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.4.
Test type Capability.
Table 17. GetCapabilities UpdateSequence Lowest Value
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:lowestvalue
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that if the server supports UpdateSequence, when a GetCapabilities request with an UpdateSequence parameter with a value equal to the lowest possible value of the server's updateSequence set of values is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema. The value is supplied by the user.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:novalue
extract from response UpdateSequence value Variable: EqualUpdateSequenceValue
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
UpdateSequence SetupVariable: LowestUpdateSequenceValue
Pass if the response is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.4.
Test type Capability.
Table 18. GetCapabilities UpdateSequence Highest Value
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:highestvalue
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that if the server supports UpdateSequence, when a GetCapabilities request with an UpdateSequence parameter with a value equal to the highest possible value of the server's updateSequence set of values is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema. The value is supplied by the user.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:updatesequence:novalue
extract from response UpdateSequence value Variable: EqualUpdateSequenceValue
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
UpdateSequence SetupVariable: HighestUpdateSequenceValue
Pass if the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is an InvalidUpdateSequence exception document (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.4.
Test type Capability.
Table 19. GetCapabilities AcceptFormats Text/XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptformats:textxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with an AcceptFormats parameter with a value of MIME type text/xml is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
AcceptFormats text/xml
Pass if the response is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.5.
Test type Capability.
Table 20. GetCapabilities AcceptFormats Text/Bogus
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptformats:textbogus
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCapabilities request with an AcceptFormats parameter wiith a value of MIME type text/bogus is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request GetCapabilities
AcceptFormats text/bogus
Pass if the response is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities schema (wcsGetCapabilities).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.2.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.2.2 Table 4 and 7.3.5.
Test type Capability.

3.2 GetCapabilities Operation Response

List of Tables

21. Response ServiceIdentification
22. Response ServiceProvider
23. Response OperationsMetadata
24. Response OperationsMetadata Required Attributes
25. Response OperationsMetadata Post Encoding
26. Response OperationsMetadata Post Multiple Connect Points
27. Response OperationsMetadata Store Parameter
28. Response OperationsMetadata Contents
29. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary
30. Response OperationsMetadata Contents SupportedCRS
31. Response OperationsMetadata Contents SupportedFormat
32. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Title
34. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary SupportedFormat
35. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary SupportedCRS
36. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Identifier
37. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Identifier XML
38. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary SupportedFormat XML
39. Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Identifier Unique
Table 21. GetCapabilities Response ServiceIdentification
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:serviceidentification
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains a ServiceIdentification section that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ServiceIdentification schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ServiceIdentification schema (owsServiceIdentification).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.3.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.4.4 and 7.4.9.
Test type Capability.
Table 22. GetCapabilities Response ServiceProvider
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:serviceprovider
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains a ServiceProvider section that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ServiceProvider schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ServiceProvider schema (owsServiceProvider).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 8.3.1.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.4.5 and 7.4.9.
Test type Capability.
Table 23. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 OperationsMetadata schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 OperationsMetadata schema (owsOperationsMetadata).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 8.3.1 and
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclauses 7.4.6, 7.4.7 and 7.4.9.
Test type Capability.
Table 24. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Required Attributes
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:requiredattributes
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that has the three mandatory values of the XML attributes.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with subsections for the XML attribute of 'name' with values GetCapabilities, DescribeCoverage and GetCoverage .
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 7.4.7.
Test type Capability.
Table 25. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Post Encoding
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:postencoding
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section for DCP HTTP Post transfers, the PostEncoding constraint is specified.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section for DCP HTTP Post transfers, the PostEncoding constraint is specified. The value of the constraint must be SOAP or XML or SOAP or XML.

There is currently no way to specifiy that KVP may be the encoding type. So the IUT should not fail just because this test fails.

  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
Test type Capability.
Table 26. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Post Multiple Connect Points
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:postmultipleconnectpoints
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section for DCP HTTP Post transfers, that multiple encoding constraints with multiple connect point URLs is valid.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section for DCP HTTP Post transfers, the PostEncoding constraint is specified or directly in the metadata. When multiple encodings are specified then either the common connect point is specified in the OperationsMetadata or each ows:Constraint element has a different connect point.

There is currently no way to specifiy that KVP may be the encoding type. So the IUT should not fail just because this test fails.

  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
Test type Capability.
Table 27. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Store Parameter
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:storeparameter
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that indicates whether the store parameter is implemented in GetCoverage requests.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a GetCoverage section containing an ows:Parameter named store . The values in the AllowedValues sections are either a) True and False, or b) False.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
Test type Capability.
Table 28. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
Test type Capability.
Table 29. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesummary
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section with a CoverageSummary.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. The Contents section must include either a CoverageSummary or an OtherSource section.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses and
Test type Capability.
Table 30. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents SupportedCRS
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:supportedcrs
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section with SupportedCRS that is a union of the nested CoverageSummaries.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. The Contents SupportedCRS part must be a union of all CRS in the nested CoverageSummaries.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
Test type Capability.
Table 31. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents SupportedFormat
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:supportedformat
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section with SupportedFormat that is a union of the nested CoverageSummaries.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. The Contents SupportedFormat part must be a union of all formats is the nested CoverageSummaries.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
Test type Capability.
Table 32. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Title
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesummarytitle
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one has a title.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one must have a Title to pass.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 10.6.1 Figure 12.
Test type Capability.
Table 34. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary SupportedFormat
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesummarysupportedformat
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one has at least one supportedFormat listed or inherited.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one must have at least one SupportedFormat listed or inherited to pass.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause Table 5.
Test type Capability.
Table 35. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary SupportedCRS
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesummarysupportedcrs
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one has at least one supportedCRS listed or inherited.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one must have at least one SupportedCRS listed or inherited to pass.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause Table 5.
Test type Capability.
Table 36. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesummaryidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one has either an identifier or a subsidiary CoverageSummary.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each one must have either an Identifier or a subsidiary CoverageSummary to pass.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause Table 5.
Test type Capability.
Table 37. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Identifier XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesummaryidentifierxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each identifier must conform to XML syntax.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each Identifier must conform to XML syntax and have KVP special characters URL encoded to pass.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses and 7.4.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.
Table 38. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary SupportedFormat XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesumarysupportedformatxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each SupportedFormat must conform to XML syntax.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each SupportedFormat name must conform to XML syntax and have KVP special characters URL encoded to pass.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses and 7.4.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.
Table 39. GetCapabilities Response OperationsMetadata Contents CoverageSummary Identifier Unique
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:contents:coveragesummaryidentifierunique
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that the service metadata document is valid XML that contains an OperationsMetadata section that contains a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each identifier must be unique for this server.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
Pass if the service metadata document is a valid XML capabilities document that has an OperationsMetadata section with a Contents section. If there are CoverageSummaries then each Identifier must be unique for this server to pass.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause
Test type Capability.

4. WCS-DescribeCoverage


The WCS-DescribeCoverage test group includes assertions covering the following capabilities: DescribeCoverage; DescribeCoverage Response.

4.1 DescribeCoverage Operation Request

List of Tables

40. Minimal Request
41. Missing Version
42. Missing Identifier
43. Multiple Identifiers
44. Empty Identifier
45. Bogus Identifier
46. Valid With Bogus Identifiers
Table 40. DescribeCoverage Minimal Request
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with only mandatory parameters is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
extract Contents / CoverageSummary / Identifier OR directly from the setup to the tests Variable: Identifier OR SetupVariable: Identifier
service WCS
request DescribeCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier
Pass if the result is valid XML, and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 9.2.1
Test type Basic.
Table 41. DescribeCoverage Missing Version
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:missingversion
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with a missing version parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
extract Contents / CoverageSummary / Identifier OR directly from the setup to the tests Variable: Identifier
service WCS
request DescribeCoverage
identifier Variable: Identifier
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is a MissingParameterValue exception with locator set to Version (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 9.2.1 and 9.4 Table 20
Test type Capability.
Table 42. DescribeCoverage Missing Identifer
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:missingidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with a missing identifier parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request DescribeCoverage
version 1.1.1
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is a MissingParameterValue exception with locator set to Identifier (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 9.2.1 and 9.4 Table 20
Test type Capability.
Table 43. DescribeCoverage Multiple Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with multiple identifier parameters is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
extract Contents / CoverageSummary / Identifier OR directly from the setup to the tests Variables: Identifier1, Identifier2, Identifier3
service WCS
request DescribeCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variables: Identifier1, Identifier2, Identifier3
Pass if the result is valid XML, and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause 9.2.1
Test type Capability.
Table 44. DescribeCoverage Empty Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:emptyidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with an empty identifier parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request DescribeCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier <Empty string>
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is a InvalidParameterValue exception (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 9.2.1 and 9.4 Table 20
Test type Capability.
Table 45. DescribeCoverage Bogus Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:bogusidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with a bogus identifier parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
service WCS
request DescribeCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Bogus
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is an InvalidParameterValue exception (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 9.2.1 and 9.4 Table 20
Test type Capability.
Table 46. DescribeCoverage Bogus With Valid Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:validwithbogusidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with a valid identifier and a bogus identifier parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:acceptversions:1.1.1
extract Contents / CoverageSummary / Identifier OR directly from the setup to the tests Variable: Identifier
service WCS
request DescribeCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Bogus, Variable: Identifier
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is an InvalidParameterValue exception (owsExceptionReport).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 9.2.1 and 9.4 Table 20
Test type Capability.

4.2 DescribeCoverage Operation Response

List of Tables

47. Response InterpolationMethods
48. Response IdentifierXML
49. Response SupportedFormatXML
50. Response FieldIdentifier XML
51. Response InterpolationMethod XML
52. Response AxisIdentifierXML
53. Response AxisKey XML
Table 47. DescribeCoverage Response InterpolationMethods
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:interpolationmethods
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with some identifiers is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema. The methods listed in the InterpolationMethods must be entries in the InterpolationMethods dictionary.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
extract from CoverageDescription Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/InterpolationMethod and Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/Default All values
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema, and if each InterpolationMethod and default in the InterpolationMethods is an entry in the InterpolationMethods dictionary interpolationMethods.xml (wcsDescribeCoverage).
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Table 17 and H.3.1
Test type Capability.
Table 48. DescribeCoverage Response Identifier XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:identifierxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with some identifiers is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema. The identifier in the CoverageDescription must be usable literally as-is.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
extract from CoverageDescription Identifier All values
Pass if the result is valid XML and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage). In addition, each identifier must be valid XML and have KVP special characters URL encoded.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses a) and 7.4
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.
Table 49. DescribeCoverage Response SupportedFormat XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:supportedformatxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with some identifiers is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema. The supportedFormat in the CoverageDescription must be usable literally as-is.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
extract from CoverageDescription SupportedFormat All values
Pass if the result is valid XML and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage). In addition, each SupportedFormat must be valid XML and have KVP special characters URL encoded.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses b) and 7.4
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.
Table 50. DescribeCoverage Response FieldIdentifier XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:fieldidentifierxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with some identifiers is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema. The identifier in the Field section of the Range section in the CoverageDescription must be usable literally as-is.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
extract from CoverageDescription Range/Field/Identifier All values
Pass if the result is valid XML and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage). In addition, each Identifier in each Field section of the Range section must be valid XML and have KVP special characters URL encoded.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses c) and 7.4
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.
Table 51. DescribeCoverage Response InterpolationMethod XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:interpolationmethodxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with some identifiers is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema. The interpolationMethod in the InterpolationMethods section of the Field section of the Range section in the CoverageDescription must be usable literally as-is.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
extract from CoverageDescription Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/InterpolationMethod and Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/Default All values
Pass if the result is valid XML and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage). In addition, each InterpolationMethod and the default in the InterpolationMethods section in each Field section of the Range section must be valid XML and have KVP special characters URL encoded.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses d) and 7.4
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.
Table 52. DescribeCoverage Response AxisIdentifier XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:axisidentifierxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with some identifiers is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema. The identifier in the Axis section of the Range section in the CoverageDescription must be usable literally as-is.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
extract from CoverageDescription Range/Field/*[local-name()='Axis'][@name = 'identifier'] All values
Pass if the result is valid XML and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage). In addition, each Identifier in each Axis section of the Range section must be valid XML and have KVP special characters URL encoded.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses e) and 7.4
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.
Table 53. DescribeCoverage Response AxisKey XML
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:axiskeyxml
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a DescribeCoverage request with some identifiers is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema. The key in the Axis section of the Range section in the CoverageDescription must be usable literally as-is.
Test method Submit a request to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers
extract from CoverageDescription Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key All values
Pass if the result is valid XML and if the result validates against the WCS 1.1.1 DescribeCoverage schema (wcsDescribeCoverage). In addition, each Key in the AvailableKeys section in each Axis section of the Range section must be valid XML and have KVP special characters URL encoded.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses f) and 7.4
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 11.3.
Test type Capability.

5. WCS-GetCoverage


The WCS-GetCoverage test group includes assertions covering the following capabilities: Identifier, BoundingBox,TemporalSubset, Field Identifier, Interpolation Method Type, AxisSubset, RangeSubset KVP syntax, Output Format and store.

5.1 GetCoverage Operation Request

List of Tables:TemporalSubset, RangeSubset, Output

54. Minimal Request
55. Missing Identifier
56. Empty Identifier
57. Bogus Identifier
58. Missing BoundingBox
59. Surrounding BoundingBox
60. Inside BoundingBox
61. Overlapping BoundingBox
62. BoundingBox Out Of Range Coordinates
63. Outside BoundingBox
64. Antimeridian BoundingBox
65. TemporalSubset TimePosition
66. TemporalSubset TimePosition Early
67. TemporalSubset TimePosition Late
68. TemporalSubset TimePeriod
69. TemporalSubset TimePeriod With Resolution
70. TemporalSubset TimePeriod With Resolution And Frame
71. TemporalSubset TimePeriod BeginTime Only
72. TemporalSubset TimePeriod EndTime Only
73. RangeSubset Identifier
74. RangeSubset Multiple Identifiers
75. RangeSubset Repeated Identifiers
76. RangeSubset Bogus Identifier
77. RangeSubset Valid With Bogus Identifiers
78. RangeSubset InterpolationMethod
79. RangeSubset InterpolationMethod Missing
80. RangeSubset InterpolationMethod Bogus
81. RangeSubset Axis Identifier One Key
82. RangeSubset Axis Identifier Some Keys
83. RangeSubset Axis Identifier All Keys
84. RangeSubset Axis Identifier No Key
85. RangeSubset Axis Identifier Bogus Key
86. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Colon Between Field Identifiers
87. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Comma Between Field Identifiers
88. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Colon Between Field Identifier And InterpolationMethod
89. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Semicolon Between Axis Identifiers
90. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Semicolon Between Axis Keys
91. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Missing Opening Square Bracket Before Axis Identifier
92. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Missing Opening Square Bracket Before Axis Key
93. RangeSubset KVP Syntax Missing Closing Square Bracket
94. Formats
95. Bogus Format
96. Empty Format
97. Missing Format
98. Store True
99. Store False
100. Store Bogus
The GetCoverage Request test cases could be repeated for each Identifier found in the response to test case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:multipleidentifiers.
Table 54. GetCoverage Minimal Request
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:minimalrequest
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with only mandatory parameters is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause Tables 21, 22 and 23.
Test type Basic.
Table 55. GetCoverage Missing Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:missingidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a missing identifier parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is a MissingParameterValue exception and the locator set to Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.2 Table 28.
Test type Capability.
Table 56. GetCoverage Empty Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:emptyidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an empty identifier parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier <Empty string>
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception and the locator set to Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.2 Table 28.
Test type Capability.
Table 57. GetCoverage Bogus Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:bogusidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a bogus identifier parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Bogus
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception and the locator set to Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.2 Table 28.
Test type Capability.
Table 58. GetCoverage Missing BoundingBox
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:missingboundingbox
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a missing BoundingBox parameter is submitted, the response is valid XML that validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is a MissingParameterValue exception with the locator set to BoundingBox.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.2 Table 28.
Test type Capability.
Table 59. GetCoverage Surrounding BoundingBox
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:surroundingboundingbox
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a BoundingBox parameter which totally surrounds the CoverageDescription BoundingBox is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox. Each LowerCorner coordinate is reduced by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox, and each UpperCorner coordinate is increased by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox.
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.6.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 10.2
Test type Capability.
Table 60. GetCoverage Inside BoundingBox
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:insideboundingbox
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a BoundingBox parameter which is totally inside the CoverageDescription BoundingBox is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox. Each LowerCorner coordinate is increased by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox, and each UpperCorner coordinate is decreased by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox. This assumes that the resulting corners are still in the same relative positions.
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.6.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 10.2
Test type Capability.
Table 61. GetCoverage Overlapping BoundingBox
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:overlappingboundingbox
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a BoundingBox parameter which overlaps the CoverageDescription BoundingBox is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox. Each LowerCorner coordinate is increased by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox, and each UpperCorner coordinate is also increased by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox.
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.6.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 10.2
Test type Capability.
Table 62. GetCoverage BoundingBox Out Of Range Coordinates
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:boundingbox:outofrangecoordinates
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a BoundingBox parameter with coordinate values which are out of range is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox (for BoundingBoxCRS)
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Each LowerCorner coordinate is -1e20 , and each UpperCorner coordinate is +1e20.
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 7.6, Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.6.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 10.2
Test type Capability.
Table 63. GetCoverage Outside BoundingBox
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:outsideboundingbox
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a BoundingBox parameter which is totally outside and not overlapping the CoverageDescription BoundingBox is submitted, the response may or may not be an exception. The specification does not define the allowed response.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox. Each coordinate is increased by the length of that dimension of the BoundingBox. Then each LowerCorner coordinate is increased by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox, and each UpperCorner coordinate is increased by 0.001 for a degree BoundingBox or 100 for a non-degree BoundingBox.
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP, or an exception.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 7.6, Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.6.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 10.2
Test type Capability.
Table 64. GetCoverage Antimeridian BoundingBox
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:antimeridianboundingbox
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a BoundingBox parameter with coordinate values which span the antimeridian is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox/GeographicCRS Variable: GeographicBoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: GeographicBoundingBox with a LowerCorner Longitude of +179.5 and the UpperCorner Longitude of -179.5.
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses 7.6.2, Tables 21, 22 and 23 and 10.3.6.
  2. OGC 06-121r3 Subclause 10.2
Test type Capability.
Table 65. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePosition
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeposition
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a TimePosition parameter from the CoverageDescription is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Domain/TemporalDomain/TimePositionOrInterval/TimePosition Variable: TimePosition defaulting to today.
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset Variable: TimePosition
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13 and 14; and
Test type Capability.
Table 66. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePosition Early
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeposition:early
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an early TimePosition parameter is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset -4000000000-01-01
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13 and 14; and
Test type Capability.
Table 67. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePosition Late
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeposition:late
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a late TimePosition parameter is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset 3000-07-01T23:00:10.456Z
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13 and 14; and
Test type Capability.
Table 68. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePeriod
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeperiod
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with TimePeriod BeginTime and EndTime parameters is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Domain/TemporalDomain/TimePositionOrInterval/TimePosition Variable: TimePosition defaulting to today.
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / BeginTime Variable: TimePosition - 1Y
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / EndTime Variable: TimePosition + 1Y
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13, 14 and 15; and
Test type Capability.
Table 69. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePeriod With Resolution
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeperiodwithresolution
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a TimePeriod with resolution is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Domain/TemporalDomain/TimePositionOrInterval/TimePosition Variable: TimePosition defaulting to today.
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / BeginTime Variable: TimePosition - 2M
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / EndTime Variable: TimePosition + 2M
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / TimeResolution P1D
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13, 14 and 15; and
Test type Capability.
Table 70. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePeriod With Resolution And Frame
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeperiodwithresolutionandframe
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a TimePeriod with resolution and frame is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Domain/TemporalDomain/TimePositionOrInterval/TimePosition Variable: TimePosition defaulting to today.
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / BeginTime Variable: TimePosition - 10D
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / EndTime Variable: TimePosition + 10D
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / TimeResolution PT6H
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / frame #ISO-8601
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13, 14 and 15; and
Test type Capability.
Table 71. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePeriod BeginTime Only
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeperiodbegintimeonly
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a TimePeriod but just a BeginTime is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Domain/TemporalDomain/TimePositionOrInterval/TimePosition Variable: TimePosition defaulting to today.
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / BeginTime Variable: TimePosition - 1Y
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is a MissingParameterValue exception with the locator set to EndTime.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13, 14 and 15;; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 72. GetCoverage TemporalSubset TimePeriod EndTime Only
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:temporalsubset:timeperiodendtimeonly
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a TimePeriod but just an EndTime is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Domain/TemporalDomain/TimePositionOrInterval/TimePosition Variable: TimePosition defaulting to today.
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
TemporalSubset / TimePeriod / EndTime Variable: TimePosition + 1Y
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is a MissingParameterValue exception with the locator set to BeginTime.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 13, 14 and 15;; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
This next test case could be repeated for each Field Identifier extracted from any one Range of the CoverageDescription.
Table 73. GetCoverage RangeSubset Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:identifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a RangeSubset Identifier is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; and Tables 16 and 17.
Test type Capability.
Table 74. GetCoverage RangeSubset Multiple Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:multipleidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with RangeSubset Identifiers is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1
extract Range/Field/*[local-name()='Identifier'][2] Variable: FieldIdentifier2
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1, FieldIdentifier2
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; and Tables 16 and 17.
Test type Capability.
Table 75. GetCoverage RangeSubset Repeated Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:repeatedidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a repeated RangeSubset Identifier is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1, FieldIdentifier1
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; Tables 16 and 17; 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 76. GetCoverage RangeSubset Bogus Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:bogusidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a bogus RangeSubset Identifier is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Bogus
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; Tables 16 and 17; 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 77. GetCoverage RangeSubset Valid With Bogus Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:validwithbogusidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with one valid RangeSubset Identifier and one bogus Identifier is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier, Bogus
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; Tables 16 and 17; 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
This next test case should be repeated for each InterpolationMethod and Default found in the InterpolationMethods of the CoverageDescription.
Table 78. GetCoverage RangeSubset InterpolationMethod
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:interpolationmethod
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an InterpolationMethod is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:interpolationmethods
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/InterpolationMethod Variable: InterpolationMethod
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / InterpolationMethod Variable: InterpolationMethod
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; Tables 16 and 17; H.3.1.
Test type Capability.
Table 79. GetCoverage RangeSubset InterpolationMethod Missing
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:interpolationmethodmissing
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a missing InterpolationMethod is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:interpolationmethods
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/InterpolationMethod Variable: InterpolationMethod
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / InterpolationMethod <Empty string>
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / InterpolationMethod.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; Tables 16 and 17; H.3.1; 10.3.2
Test type Capability.
Table 80. GetCoverage RangeSubset InterpolationMethod Bogus
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:interpolationmethodbogus
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a bogus InterpolationMethod is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:response:interpolationmethods
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/InterpolationMethod Variable: InterpolationMethod
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / InterpolationMethod Bogus
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / InterpolationMethod.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24 and 25; Tables 16 and 17; H.3.1; 10.3.2
Test type Capability.
Table 81. GetCoverage RangeSubset Axis Identifier One Key
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:axisidentifier:onekey
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an Axis Identifier and one Axis Key is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Key Variable: AxisKey
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26; and Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19
Test type Capability.
Table 82. GetCoverage RangeSubset Axis Identifier Some Keys
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:axisidentifier:somekeys
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an Axis Identifier and some Axis Keys is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey1
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/*[local-name()='Key'][2] Variable: AxisKey2
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Key Variable: AxisKey1, AxisKey2
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26; and Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19
Test type Capability.
Table 83. GetCoverage RangeSubset Axis Identifier All Keys
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:axisidentifier:allkeys
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an Axis Identifier and all its Axis Keys is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey1
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/*[local-name()='Key'][2] Variable: AxisKey2
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/*[local-name()='Key'][3] Variable: AxisKey3
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Key Variables: AxisKey1, AxisKey2, AxisKey3, ...
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26; and Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19
Test type Capability.
Table 84. GetCoverage RangeSubset Axis Identifier No Key
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:axisidentifier:nokey
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an Axis Identifier and no Axis Key is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Key.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 85. GetCoverage RangeSubset Axis Identifier Bogus Key
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:axisidentifier:boguskey
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an Axis Identifier and a bogus Axis Key is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Key Bogus
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / AxisSubset / Key.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 86. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Colon Between Field Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:colonbetweenfieldidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a colon between Field Identifiers is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1
extract Range/Field/*[local-name()='Identifier'][2] Variable: FieldIdentifier2
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1, ":", FieldIdentifier2
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 87. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Comma Between Field Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:commabetweenfieldidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a comma between Field Identifiers is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1
extract Range/Field/*[local-name()='Identifier'][2] Variable: FieldIdentifier2
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset / FieldSubset / Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1, ",", FieldIdentifier2
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 88. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Semicolon Between Field Identifier And InterpolationMethod
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:semicolonbetweenfieldidentifierandinterpolationmethod
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a semicolon between Field Identifier And InterpolationMethod is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier1
extract Range/Field/InterpolationMethods/InterpolationMethod Variable: InterpolationMethod
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset Variable: FieldIdentifier1, ";", InterpolationMethod
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to FieldSubset / Identifier.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 89. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Semicolon Between Axis Identifiers
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:semicolonbetweenaxisidentifiers
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a semicolon between Axis Identifiers is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier1
extract Range/Field/Axis/*[local-name()='Identifier'][2] Variable: AxisIdentifier2
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey1
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/*[local-name()='Key'][2] Variable: AxisKey2
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset Variable: FieldIdentifier, "[", AxisIdentifier1, "[", AxisKey1, "]", ";", AxisIdentifier2, "[", AxisKey2, "]", "]"
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to RangeSubset.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 90. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Semicolon Between Axis Keys
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:semicolonbetweenaxiskeys
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a semicolon between Axis Keys is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey1
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/*[local-name()='Key'][2] Variable: AxisKey2
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset Variable: FieldIdentifier, "[", AxisIdentifier, "[", AxisKey1, ";", AxisKey2, "]", "]"
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to RangeSubset.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 91. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Missing Opening Square Bracket Before Axis Identifier
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:missingopeningsquarebracketbeforeaxisidentifier
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a missing opening square bracket before the axis identifier is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset Variable: FieldIdentifier, AxisIdentifier, "[", AxisKey, "]", "]"
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to RangeSubset.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 92. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Missing Opening Square Bracket Before Axis Key
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:missingopeningsquarebracketbeforeaxiskey
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a missing opening square bracket before the axis key is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset Variable: FieldIdentifier, "[", AxisIdentifier, AxisKey, "]", "]"
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to RangeSubset.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 93. GetCoverage RangeSubset KVP Syntax Missing Closing Square Bracket
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:rangesubset:kvpsyntax:missingclosingsquarebracket
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request using KVP with a missing closing square bracket is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
extract Range/Field/Identifier Variable: FieldIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/@identifier Variable: AxisIdentifier
extract Range/Field/Axis/AvailableKeys/Key Variable: AxisKey
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
RangeSubset Variable: FieldIdentifier, "[", AxisIdentifier, "[", AxisKey, "]"
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to RangeSubset.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses10.2.1.1 Tables 21, 22 and 23; Tables 24, 25 and 26;; Tables 16, 17, 18 and 19; and 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
This next test case could be repeated for each Format extracted from the CoverageDescription.
Table 94. GetCoverage Formats
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:formats
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a format is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclause Tables 21, 22 and 23.
Test type Capability.
Table 95. GetCoverage Bogus Format
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:bogusformat
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a bogus format is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Bogus
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to Format.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23; 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 96. GetCoverage Empty Format
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:emptyformat
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with an empty string for the format is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format <Empty string>.
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to Format.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23; 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 97. GetCoverage Missing Format
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:missingformat
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with the format missing is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
Pass if the result is valid XML, if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to Format.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23; 10.3.2.
Test type Capability.
Table 98. GetCoverage Store True
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:storetrue
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a store parameter set to true is submitted, the response is an exception or not depending on the capabilities.
Test method Submit three requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcapabilities:response:operationsmetadata:storeparameter
extract from service metadata store parameter Variable: Storable
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
store true
Pass if 1) the value of Variable Storable is "True" and "False" and the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP, or 2) the value of Variable Storable is "False" and the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema, and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to store.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23;;
Test type Capability.
Table 99. GetCoverage Store False
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:storefalse
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a store parameter set to false is submitted, the response is not an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
store false
Pass if the result is multipart MIME for KVP or XML, or SOAP with attachments for SOAP.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23; and
Test type Capability.
Table 100. GetCoverage Store Bogus
Test case identifier urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:getcoverage:storebogus
Test purpose (assertion) Verify that when a GetCoverage request with a store parameter set to a bogus value is submitted, the response is an exception.
Test method Submit two requests to the server with the following parameters and values:
initial request case urn:ogc:cite:ats:wcs:1.1.1:07-067r2:describecoverage:minimalrequest
extract from CoverageDescription valid identifier Variable: Identifier
extract Domain/SpatialDomain/BoundingBox Variable: BoundingBox
extract SupportedFormat Variable: SupportedFormat
service WCS
request GetCoverage
version 1.1.1
identifier Variable: Identifier.
domainSubset Variable: BoundingBox
format Variable: SupportedFormat
store bogus
Pass if the result validates against the OWS Common 1.1.0 ExceptionReport schema (owsExceptionReport), and is an InvalidParameterValue exception with the locator set to store.
  1. OGC 07-067r2 Subclauses Tables 21, 22 and 23; and
Test type Capability.
Output/GridCRS: Come back to this.

5.2 GetCoverage Operation Response

List of Tables

101. Response