SFS 1.1 Conformance Test Suite


Verifies conformance to OpenGIS Simple Features Specification For SQL, Revision 1.1 (OGC 99-049, 1999-05-09)[1]. Three conformance classes are described in the testing guidance document (see OGC 98-046r2):

  1. SQL 92 Implementation of Feature Tables, Normalized Geometry Schema - SFS (NG)
  2. SQL 92 Implementation of Feature Tables, Binary Geometry Schema - SFS (BG)
  3. SQL 92 with Geometry Types and Functions Implementation of Feature Tables - SFS (TF)

Test suite software is available (ZIP archive) for each of the above alternatives as a set of SQL scripts and as C source code. Implementers may select either form of test suite for adaptation and testing.

Test requirements

The documents listed below stipulate requirements that must be satisfied by a conforming implementation.

  • OpenGIS Simple Features Specification For SQL, Revision 1.1 - OGC-99-049
  • Conformance Test Guidelines for OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL, Revision 1.1 - OGC-98-046r2

Release Notes

Release notes are available from the relnotes.html.

[1] Superseded by OpenGIS Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option (OGC 06-104r4, also published as ISO 19125-2).