
This executable test suite is based on the following OGC specifications:

This test suite is based on the following Abstract Test Suite (ATS): ats.html

What is tested

Only the protocol is tested.

  • GetCapabilities, GET KVP and POST XML encodings
  • DescribeCoverage, GET KVP and POST XML encodings
  • GetFeature, GET KVP and POST XML encodings

Each encoding is optional except for the GetCapabilities GET KVP encoding. The optional encodings are only tested when the GetCapabilities response indicates that the encoding is supported.

The user is prompted for the end point URL of the server. If there is no server at that location, the testing stops. If the GetCapabilities response indicates that the UpdateSequence attribute is supported, then the user is prompted to enter extreme values for the UpdateSequence.

What is not tested

  • The coverage returned by a GetCoverage request
  • The Output and GridCRS
  • POST SOAP encodings

Test data

There is no test data for this implementation of the WCS 1.1.1 executable test suite. The provision of test data awaits a WCS encoding profile to be adopted by the OGC. At this time, there are no adopted encoding profiles. See OGC 07-067r2 subclause


There are two namespaces used by the WCS. ows http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1 wcs http://schemas.opengis.net/wcs/1.1.1


The schemas for ows can be found at http://schemas.opengis.net/ows/1.1.0. The schemas for wcs do not validate and are not published on http://schemas.opengis.net/wcs. Instead they can be found here: wcs111.zip.

Release Notes

Release notes are available from the relnotes.html.