OGC Web Map Service Client Executable Test Suite


The OGC Web Map Service Client Test-Suite provides the Executable Test Script (ETS) to test implementations against the following specification(s):

  • Web Map Server Implementation Specification, version 1.3.0 [OGC 06-042 (or ISO 19128:2005)](PDF version)

What is tested

In order to test a client implementation, this test suite creates an intercepting proxy for interacting with one of the known WMS 1.3.0 reference implementations. The test test suite will record the request performed by the client to check if the client has performed correctly all the required operations, as specified in the Annex A of the OGC 06-042.

The Annex A list two conformance classes that only apply for clients:

  • A.1.1 Basic WMS Client:

    • A.1.1.1 Basic service elements
    • A.1.1.2 GetCapabilities request
    • A.1.1.3 GetMap request
  • A.2.1 Client for queryable WMS – GetFeatureInfo request

The client is required to perform the following minimum operations, based on the Annex A:

  • Get Capabilities: Perform at least one valid request
  • GetMap: Perform all get map request for all the layers advertise in the server GetCapabilities document.
  • GetFeatureInfo: Perform at least one GetfeatureInfo valid request

If at any point in time while the client is interacting with the server, the client performs a non-valid request, the test will fail.

Capabilities not tested

The client capabilities listed below are not currently tested. The relevant specification references are enclosed in square brackets.

  • GetMap: Valid BBOX extent [cl. 6.7.4,]
  • GetMap: BBOX values consistent with CRS [cl.]
  • GetCapabilities request with Format parameter [cl.]
  • Version negotiation: GetCapabilities with Version parameter 1.3.0 OR no Version parameter [cl. 6.2.4,]
  • Follow redirect response (status code 3xx) [cl. 6.4]
  • GetCapabilities request with UpdateSequence parameter [cl., Table 4]
  • GetMap request for transparent picture []
  • GetMap request with BGCOLOR param [cl.]
  • GetMap: Commensurate aspect ratio [cl.]
  • GetFeatureInfo request with FEATURE_COUNT param [cl.]
  • Automatic CRS: GetMap request with “AUTO2” CRS reference [cl.]
  • Submit POST request [cl. 6.3.4]
  • GetMap request with TIME param [cl.]
  • GetMap request with ELEVATION param [cl.]

Test identification

The executable test cases that comprise this test suite are briefly summarized below.

Test Suite name: main:ets-wms-client

Basic WMS Client Test Suite

  • Validates WMS client requests.
  • Total number of tests in this suite: 29
  • The root test is: main:wms-client

Test Name: main:wms-client

Test Assertion: The WMS client is valid.

Test Name: gc:check-GetCapabilities-request

Total number of tests in this group: 3

Test Assertion: The client GetCapabilities request is valid.

Test Name: basic:mandatory-params

Test Assertion: Each of the mandatory parameters is present (SERVICE and REQUEST).

Test Name: gc:service

Test Assertion: The value of the SERVICE parameter is “WMS”.

Test Name: basic:request

Test Assertion: The value of the REQUEST parameter is GetCapabilities, GetMap or GetFeatureInfo.

Test Name: gm:check-GetMap-request

Total number of tests in this group: 16

Test Assertion: The client GetMap request is valid.

Test Name: basic:version

Test Assertion: The value of the VERSION parameter is “1.3.0”.

Test Name: gm:core-map-request

Test Assertion: The core parameters for a GetMap request are valid.

Test Name: gm:layers-count

Test Assertion: The number of the LAYERS requested does not exceed the layer limit.

Test Name: gm:layers-names

Test Assertion: Each of the values in the LAYERS parameter is a valid layer name.

Test Name: gm:styles-count

Test Assertion: The number of styles requested matches the number of layers requested.

Test Name: gm:styles-names

Test Assertion: Each of the values in the STYLES parameter is a valid style for its matching layer.

Test Name: gm:crs

Test Assertion: The CRS is valid style for each requested layer.

Test Name: gm:bbox-format

Test Assertion: The BBOX is a list of comma-separated real numbers in the form “minx,miny,maxx,maxy”.

Test Name: gm:bbox-non-subsettable-layers

Test Assertion: For layers that are not subsettable, the BBOX parameter must match the bounding box declared for the layer.

Test Name: gm:format

Test Assertion: The value of the FORMAT parameter is one of the formats listed in the service metadata.

Test Name: gm:width-height

Test Assertion:

  • The value of the WIDTH parameter is a positive integer value that does not exceed the declared MaxWidth.
  • The value of the HEIGHT parameter is a positive integer value that does not exceed the declared MaxHeight.

Test Name: gm:transparent

*Test Assertion:*T he value of the TRANSPARENT parameter is ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’.

Test Name: gm:exceptions

Test Assertion: The value of the EXCEPTIONS parameter is one of the formats listed in the service metadata.

Test Name: gfi:check-GetFeatureInfo-request

Total number of tests in this group: 10

Test Assertion: The client GetFeatureInfo request is valid.

Test Name: gfi:query_layers-count

Test Assertion: The QUERY_LAYERS parameter contains at least one layer name.

Test Name: gfi:query_layers-value

Test Assertion: Each of the values in the QUERY_LAYERS parameter is a layer from the original GetMap request.

Test Name: gfi:query_layers-queryable

Test Assertion: Each of the values in the QUERY_LAYERS parameter must be a queryable layer. That is, the layer attribute “queryable” must evaluate to true (xsd:boolean); it may be inherited.

Test description See ISO 19128:2005, cl. Queryable layers. See ISO 19128:2005, cl. 7.4.1: General.

Test Name: gfi:info_format

Test Assertion: The value of the INFO_FORMAT parameter is one of the formats listed in the service metadata.

Test Name: gfi:i

Test Assertion: The value of the I parameter is an integer between 0 and the maximum value of the i axis (WIDTH-1).

Test Name: gfi:j

Test Assertion: The value of the J parameter is an integer between 0 and the maximum value of the i axis (HEIGHT-1).

TEAM Engine Compatibility

Test Revision TEAM Engine Version
1.0 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 , 4.4
1.1 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 , 4.4
1.2 4.5


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Release notes

Release notes are available here.