Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0 Conformance Test Suite


This test suite verifies conformance with Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0. It is based on the following OGC specifications:

  • OpenGIS Sensor Observation Service Implementation Specification, Version 2.0 OGC 12-006
  • OGC Web Services Common Specification, Version 1.1.0 OGC 06-121r3
  • Definition Identifier URNs in OGC Namespace, Version 1.1.0 OGC 06-023r1 (ISO/CD 19136, OGC 03-105r1)

Test Coverage by Conformance Class

The following table provides information about the conformance class that are implemented in the test and reference to the section in the specification.

Conformance Class Name Reference Notes Available in Test Suite
SOS Core 14.1.1 GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor, and GetObservation YES
SOS Feature of Interest Retrieval 14.2.1 GetFeatureOfInterest YES
SOS Observation Retrieval By ID 14.2.2 GetObservationById YES
SOS Insertion Capabilities 14.3.1 GetCapabilities YES
SOS Sensor Insertion 14.3.2 InsertSensor NO
SOS Sensor Deletion 14.3.3 DeleteSensor NO
SOS Observation Insertion 14.3.4 InsertObservation NO
SOS Result Insertion 14.4.1 InsertResult, InsertResultTemplate NO
SOS Result Retrieval 14.4.2 GetResult, GetResultTemplate YES
SOS Spatial Filtering Profile 14.5.1 GetCapabilities, GetObservation YES
SOS XML Encoding 14.6.1 All interface YES
SOS KVP Binding Extension 14.6.2 GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor, GetObservation YES
SOS GetFeatureOfInterest KVP Binding 14.6.3 GetFeatureOfInterest YES
SOS SOAP Binding 14.6.4 GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor, GetObservation, GetObservationByID, GetFeatureOfInterest, GetResultTemplate, GetResult YES

Minimum Conformance Classes to Pass the Test

To pass the test it is necessary to pass the following conformance classes: * Pass the SOS Core * Pass the SOS KVP Binding Extension or SOS SOAP Binding

Test Coverage by Operation

The following operations are tested:

  • GetCapabilities, GET / POST / SOAP
  • DescribeSenor, GET / POST / SOAP
  • GetObservation, _GET / POST / (SOAP was ignored due to an issue
  • GetObservationByID, GET / POST / SOAP
  • GetFeatureOfInterest, GET / POST / SOAP
  • GetResultTemplate, GET / POST / SOAP
  • GetResult, GET / POST / SOAP

The following operations are not tested:

  • InsertSensor, GET / POST / SOAP
  • DeleteSensor, GET / POST / SOAP
  • InsertObservation, GET / POST / SOAP
  • InsertResult, GET / POST / SOAP
  • InsertResultTemplate, GET / POST / SOAP


All schemas used for validation in these tests can be found at:

Reference Implementation

The reference implementation details can be found at:

Release Notes

Release notes are available from the relnotes.html.